Conference "Boosting Social Enterprises in Europe"
The conference, that will take place on 3 and 4 December at Hémicycle, is organised by the Luxembourg Ministry of Labour, Employment and the Social and Solidarity Economy. Its overarching Theme is: “Boosting Social Enterprises in Europe”
The provisional agenda is structured around the following key questions:
- How do we create social innovation? How can we systematically integrate social innovation in the creation of economic activities?
- Which eco-system is best suited to promote access to finance for Social Enterprises? Is there a way to connect individual savings to social economy projects?
Simultaneous translation in five languages will be provided.
Participants need to register at https://delegate.eu2015lu.eu by using the delegation code 202.delegate. Please note that if this is the first time you register for a Luxembourg Presidency conference, you need to create a new account beforehand.
After completion of the registration, badges will be issued at the conference venue.