PROCOPA: involving fathers in responsible co-parenting!

European project
September 2022 to March 2024

Coordinated by the Chamber of Social and Solidarity Economy, the PROCOPA project, of which POUR LA SOLIDARITÉ-PLS is a partner, aims to stimulate the exchange and confrontation of ideas, and the sharing of innovative practices in the field of gender equality.

Involving 4 European partners and financed by the Erasmus+ program, the main outcome of PROCOPA is the structuring of a network of actors at local and transnational level, capable of devising new methods to bring about change in the promotion of co-parenthood among fathers and civil society.

This project stimulates social and civic engagement through the development of formal and non-formal learning activities on a theme that brings together the common values of the European Union: equality between women and men, and the protection of children's rights.

What for ?

With this in mind, PROCOPA includes :
•  3 transnational working meetings to exchange practices and structure our collaboration methods for the long term ;
•  4 dissemination events to mobilize and involve local stakeholders in promoting greater involvement of fathers in family co-responsibility ;
•  2 joint staff training events to strengthen the skills and knowledge of our organizations' staff on the issue of promoting co-parenting for fathers and relay-players ;
  Capitalize on the knowledge acquired by means of promotion tools.


By whom ?

This transnational project involves 4 partners :

•  The Regional Chamber of the Social and Solidarity Economy PACA (France). The CRESS PACA is a business movement bringing together associations, cooperatives, foundations, mutual societies, social enterprises and employers' unions in the Provence-Alpes Côte d'Azur region.
•  Et les pères (France). Association working to raise awareness, support and bring together various partners serving families to promote the role of fathers, to support fathers as educational players within their families and society, for the benefit of children and the general interest.
  Pour La Solidarité (Belgium). Independent European think & do tank committed to a Europe of solidarity and sustainability, working to defend and consolidate the European social model, a subtle balance between economic development and social justice.
  Le Monde Selon les Femmes (Belgium). Feminist NGO active in development cooperation, continuing education and action research. Its aim is to integrate a gender perspective into human rights issues.



 This project is co-financed by the European Erasmus+ program.


European Union