Gender Balance Power Map
The "Gender Balance Power Map - Co-inspiration between social and classic enterprises on access to decision making" project aims at contributing to the enhancement of women participation to economic decision making in 6 different European countries and at the EU level.
The project sets out to contribute to knowledge development regarding the obstacles faced by women concerning their participation to economic decision making positions; to raise awareness among important stakeholders on the situation of women participation to economic decision making; and to contribute to the advancement of policies and legislation, at national and EU level, promoting women's empowerment and participation to economic decision making postions.
Project activities
To achieve these objectives, the following main activities will be carried out:
- undertaking research in all participating countries that will analyse the state of the art of women participation and access to economic decision making positions in classic business and social enterprises;
- running participatory workshops in all participating countries with representatives of mainstream and social enterprises;
- producing a European comparative study that will bring together findings from 6 different countries;
- creating a European framework that will put forward policy and legislative recommendations for the enhancement of women participation to economic decision making positions;
Events to be organised during the project:
- a kick off meeting and gender equal opportunities awareness rasing public event will be organised in Bucharest between 16 and 18 of September 2014
- a partners meeting and a gender equal opportunities awareness raising seminar will be organised in Italy in April 2015
- a final European conference will be organised in Brussels in May, 2016
Project partners
- POUR LA SOLIDARITÉ, Belgium, project leader and in charge of the comaparative study and recommendations framework;
- JUMP, Belgium, in charge of the project dissemination and communication;
- The Institute of Sociology of the Academy of Sciences - Gender and Sociology department, the Czech Republic, in charge of coordinating and supervising the research activity;
- Kokkotyo Foundation, Finland, in charge of coordinating and supervising the organisation of the participatory workshops in the different countries;
- Consorzio Nazzionale della Cooperazione di Solidarieta Sociale Gino Matarelli Soc (CGM), Italy, in charge of the organisation of the partners meeting and public event in Italy;
- Foundation PACT, Romania, in charge of the organisation of the kick off meeting and of the public event in Romania;
- Fondation Agir Contre l'Exclusion - FACE, France, in charge of producing the comaprative study and recommendations framework together with PLS.
Main project outputs
A project website, 18 national workshops, 2 transnational partner meetings and 2 national seminars, a European conference, 6 national studies (BE, CZ, RO, IT, FR, FI), 1 European Comaparative Study, 1 European Framework for enhancing participation of women to economic decision making